fabrizio's Movie Fellows
- SB bius
- CG Nezquivoque
- PM wanass
- SC boneng
- FP soundsandglue
- SB Szpulsky
- G Seut
- E sarah_connor
- SB Basai
- PM shantak
- E Fireball
- EP thaizy
- CG silviabrigida
- EP sandcamp
- EP toffetomas
- W Zo0
- SB beatnic
- SD maguro_nigiri
- BO Freckleshero
- SB StuntmanMike
- G ratone
- BO nini
- E VanessaLost10
- SC abercrombie
- SD wandermac
- W lcvertigo
- CD ninarocha
- BO Elassea
- CG gerbil123
- D RDPL55
- SC lusvardi
- CD TacTacPouet
- SD donny_black
- SD G_Fortes
- BB shalev
- BB Yama94
- SB alex68
- SD stuken
- SD liliskywalker
- PM baleizao
- CG blondin
- W izoard
- PM nyounes
- W Vito
- LT Andrasthir
- SC Sjakkeltje
- E sati
- SD kkumendes
- PM Jacoby
- G SquireLee
- CD Tor
- EP marinaraujo
- PM wintria
- ∞ kinoute
- PM mqd
- G FamilyGuy
- BO pedro49
- SD betobeto
- P fungus
- G Dan2
- LT alphaaline
- BO vendor
- BO Looping
- SD yayko5
- EP harpo
- E brigit
- SD neoptolemos
- G Antela
fabrizio's Friendlist
- To add your own movie fellows, head over to your friend's profile pages and click the "add person to movie fellows" link.