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The Lord of the Rings(1978)


is an animated fantasy film from 1978 based on the first half of J.R.R Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings novel. The film was mainly filmed using rotoscoping, meaning it was filmed in live action sequences with real actors and then each frame was individually animated.

Alternative Titles

  • Le seigneur des anneaux
  • J.R.R. Tolkiens Der Herr der Ringe
  • Der Herr der Ringe
  • Il signore degli anelli
  • El señor de los anillos

User Rating (82 votes)

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8.77 / 10

Stats for The Lord of the Rings

  • 42Number of snapshots
  • 16391Total solves
  • bap2008 Introduced by
  • 27.05.2009Introduced on
  • 1Number of reviews