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The Lord of the Rings (1978)

Displaying 1 Review

  • Written by Palahniuk007 on 28.05.2010

    The only movie I saw in a real theater was a cartoon called LORD OF THE RINGS. Nowadays nobody needs to go to a movie theater anymore (I heard they destroyed them all) and you can watch a lot of stuff on the internet so why go outside? I maybe have to tell you I live in a mental institute so don't get offended with my poor writing.

    I was seven years old and my mother, who was hooking at that time, took me to see LORD OF THE RINGS I don't know how and why. I remember the cartoon was very very very long. I didn't understand nothing at all. But the images my eyes saw were so vivid, so real, so true that every beats of the movie are in my blood.

    So here is my judgement:

    There is a lot of color in LORD OF THE RINGS. You have four nice little men who walk in a forest. And there is black riders with red eyes who chase them on terrifying horses. You can also see two magicians. One is good. And the other one is, you guessed it, bad. There is also a wedding ring that everybody wants badly. And there is a lot of yelling. Nobody agrees when someone wants something. The story is good. The animation is good too. The music is good as well. That's why, dear reader, my humble advice is this: you should download this movie on a dedicated site.


    I didn't know they made a LOTR trilogy (like I didn't know about the POC one). But thanks to my unique movie experience I can solve every snapshot of the LOTR trilogy.

    That's why I'm very happy with LOTR and WTM.

    Thank you to read me.

The Lord of the Rings Reviews
