The Story: The major Paul Krenner (James Griffith) is a mad officer who wants to create an army of invisible soldiers. He kidnapped the professor Ulof (Ivan Triesault) and forces him to purchase his works on invisibility. But he needs more radium to realise his diabolic plan. That’s why he proposes to Joey Faust (Douglas Kennedy), a notorious bank robber who just escaped from jail, to join him. He makes Faust invisible and the guy steals a big amount of radium. In exchange he lets Faust attack a bank… but the invisibility doesn’t seem to be as perfect as it should be and the things won’t turn as it was expected… Comments: Ulmer did some intrusions in the fantastic (the nice “the man from planet X”, for example). In this movie we can't say he’s a genius but as usual, he tries to do his best with few… very few. Douglas Kennedy tries although to save this movie, but he seems a bit lost here… So, we are far away from “Detour” but if you’re Ulmer’s fan you can have a look at this small movie.
The Amazing Transparent Man (1960)