Film is based on a novel by Stephen King, master of written horror.
The movie depicts the story of Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins starring). Dufresne is a young many possessing everything – a car, spectacular house, and beautiful, loving wife. In the very beginning of the film the idyll is ruined, s
Film is based on a novel by Stephen King, master of written horror.
The movie depicts the story of Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins starring). Dufresne is a young many possessing everything – a car, spectacular house, and beautiful, loving wife. In the very beginning of the film the idyll is ruined, since Andy is sentence to double life imprisonment for murdering his wife and her lover. He’s sent to Shawshank, a prison with heavy discipline standards where director Samuel Norton (Bob Gunton) is in charge along with sadistic prison warden.
Director managed to reflect the conditions and rules governing the prison. In single word it’s a masterpiece. You’re also sentenced to Shawshank. It’s a compulsory must-see for every enthusiast of the cinema. Feast of acting skills, terrific script and a unique intelligent arrangement of the whole make me mark the movie 9 for 10.
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