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The Northman (2022)

Displaying 1 Review

  • Written by Simzilla on 10.01.2023

    In a world where everyone is mystical, no sentence is pronounced without a strong feeling or a deadly premonition.

    Appart from very well choregraphed fight scenes, this movie seems to distinguish itself thanks to gloomy and oneiric visuals, particularly ones linked to Nordic Mythology.

    The story’s simplicity (a pure revenge) sweetens screenplay shortcuts, the main one being the prophecies that annihilate any suspens, but crystallises the visual importance of every shot.

    The exhilarating violence and the mise en scène of great landscapes also turns out to be huge incentives to invest viking worlds.
    Playing viking video games (Assassin’s Creed Valhalla in particular) and wander through this untamed nature could extend such a cinematic journey.

    For that matter, the whole movie is also kind of built like a video game, the main quest being fulfilled after a secondary quest based on looting a legendary sword.

The Northman Reviews
