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The Northman(2022)

  • Genre:
    • Adventure
    • Fantasy
    • Action
  • Director:
    • Robert Eggers

Prince Amleth is on the verge of becoming a man when his father is brutally murdered by his uncle, who kidnaps the boy's mother. Two decades later, Amleth is now a Viking who's on a mission to save his mother, kill his uncle and avenge his father.


Written by Simzilla on 10.01.2023

In a world where everyone is mystical, no sentence is pronounced without a strong feeling or a deadly premonition.

Appart from very well choregraphed fight scenes, this movie seems to distinguish itself thanks to gloomy and oneiric visuals, particularly ones linked to Nordic Mythology.

The st

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User Rating (6 votes)

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7.50 / 10


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