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Teströl és lélekröl(2017)


Two introverted people find out by pure chance that they share the same dream every night. They are puzzled, incredulous, a bit frightened. As they hesitantly accept this strange coincidence, they try to recreate in broad daylight what happens in their dream.

Alternative Titles

  • Corpo e anima
  • За тялото и душата
  • Körper und Seele
  • Med krop og sjæl
  • En cuerpo y alma


User Rating (3 votes)

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7.67 / 10

Stats for Teströl és lélekröl

  • 10Number of snapshots
  • 662Total solves
  • urraquita Introduced by
  • 29.04.2018Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews