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Revenge of the Virgins (1959)

Displaying 1 Review

  • Written by RDPL55 on 05.02.2010

    The story: A tribe of cute little Amazons are living in peace in the Goldcreek valley. But as the name indicates it, there is gold in the creek. A group of naughty gold seekers decides to pick up some gold. So, with the help of their chief (and goddess) a blond haired Indian (in fact she was a lost child adopted by the tribe and she became goddess because of her golden hairs), they will kill the naughty gold searchers one by one… Analysis: This is the first (and last?) nudie-western and surprisingly it is much more fun as you could expect it! Furthermore, this movie, without any doubt, inspires James Cameron for the screenplay of his blockbuster “Avatar”. The story is exactly the same: a quiet tribe of gentle amazons (vs. the Na'vi) live in peace in harmony in their environment : Goldcreek (vs. Pandora), but they have gold (vs. Unobtanium). Naughty white gold seekers (vs. human beings) are coming and invade their peaceful world. But with the help of a white woman (the avatar) they will win and remain in peace… It’s the same!! Incredible!! The only difference is that “revenge of the virgins” cost 50,000$ (vs. 500 millions), is less than one hour long (vs. 2h50), is much more fun (vs. play station-like stultifying movie), and did not pretend to be more than drive-in B movie (vs. bunch of Oscar nominations…)!! Watch it you won’t be disappointed!!

Revenge of the Virgins Reviews
