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Papurika (2006)

Displaying 1 Review

  • Written by melchett on 27.06.2009

    Paprika is a name of a red couloured spice.
    Paprika is the name of the animation movie of Satoshi Kon.
    Paprika is the name of a kind of virtual person that can go through different realities in this film. This girl is quite spicy.

    In the future, a company is developping the DC mini. This small engine, putten on the head of a person, gives acces to his dreams.
    But suddenly everything goes wrong. A DC mini is stolen, and someone is able to hack the dreams.
    Between dreams (and stranges images, like in every dreams) and reality, Paprika, a few scientists and an inspector try to catch the one who stole the DC mini.

    I saw it in a cinema, in real good conditions to have the full power of the soundtrack in the ears, and wow !
    The "dreams" aspect is also really well done and disconcerting with all the weird transformations that happens. Very dynamic movie, little time to rest.
    The drawing is really precise.

Papurika Reviews
