melchett Costume Designer (23276 WTM bucks)
melchett's Gallery
Displaying User shout 1 - 20 of 36 in total
L'objectif c'est de rogner "juste ce qu'il faut", c'est-à-dire ce qui ne fait pas partie du film (les éditeurs DVD/BD ajoutant des "bandes noires" pour combler la différence entre le ratio du film et le format vidéo), sans rogner le film lui-même. C'est parfois délicat, quand les limites entre bandes noires et image du film sont mal définies. Il faut faire au mieux ! -
I was going to say for you to try 'vote it for deletion' but i think you already figured this out.haha
The same thing happened these days with this one: #76180 but the shot went to Feature films anyway.I'm glad you decided to keep it for the contest, it's an awesome shot and it has great chances in my opinion to get into the hall of fame!=D -
il reste de la marge avant d'atteindre vos jolis presque 40%!
bon jeu! :-) -
on met des shots à jumelles et hop on se la joue!!! (bon 39%... honnête!)
hello! bravo pour vos supers résultats! pour ma part je peine encore, j'en suis au 'ça me dit vraiment mais vraiment quelque chose'! je dors, mais moins! bises
uh, no harm intended!
it would have been perfect for the contest ;) -
youre welcome
please keep uploading and for all the rules
see for the 5 rules
on the right side you can see the rules -
oke hi
the last straight to dvd vote I did was the animatrix shot (it's now deleted)
the rules are if it didn't got a cinema release (straight to dvd) or it's short movie (animatrix are 7 shorts movies) it is not allowed.there are 3 pictures in the archive but they got lucky that's all
i'm sorry
You got the balloon shot! I was thinking maybe the movie was a bit too obscure, but I guess not ;) Well done.
melchett's Memorabilia
melchett's Quiz Stats
melchett has solved 13977 Feature Films and 17235 Snapshots in total. melchett's Snapshots received an overall Rating of 7.01 and were favourited an average 2.40 times.
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melchett's Movie Reviews
Spicy taste for Big sound and Agitated pictures
for Papurika
The Jacket
for The Jacket