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'G' Men(1935)


James "Brick" Davis, a struggling attorney, owes his education to a mob member named McKay, but refuses to get involved with the underworld. When his friend Eddie Buchanan is gunned down by gangster Brad Collins while on assignment for the Justice Department, Brick decides to give up the law for a career with the Department.

Alternative Titles

  • Les hors la loi
  • Der FBI-Agent
  • G-Men
  • A rend katonái
  • Contra el imperio del crimen


User Rating (3 votes)

Ajax loader on white
8.00 / 10

Stats for 'G' Men

  • 1Number of snapshots
  • 34Total solves
  • RDPL55 Introduced by
  • 05.12.2011Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews