Edvard Munch(1974)
Edvard Munch's childhood is overshadowed by death: he suffers the loss of his sister and mother, while enduring serious illness himself, almost dying. At university, Munch discovers his talent as a painter. As he immerses himself in the art world, he becomes part of a cultural revolution lead by the likes of nihilist Hans Jæger.
Alternative Titles
Edvard Munch
Edvard Munch
Movie status
This movie is locked. You can't upload shots from this movie because it was recognized as a short movie, a movie unreleased in Theatres, or a movie with Porn, racist material, or unsuitable content.
You can see the list of all locked movies on WTM here.
Stats for Edvard Munch
- 0Number of snapshots
- 0Total solves
- lnatbnf Introduced by
- 22.08.2009Introduced on
- 0Number of reviews