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xania's Reviews

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  • Written by xania on 11.09.2009

    If u like Indiana Jones, Tombraider and other adventures movies you should watch this one!
    It's one of my all time favourites, i loved it when i was a kid and i love it still.
    The movie is about a group kids who go on an adventure: a search for an hidden treasure.
    it's also with a bit of humor in it, a bit of a teenage indiana jones movie with a bit of the same kind of humor.
    Steven Spielberg wrote the story for this movie.

  • Written by xania on 11.09.2009

    I love this movie.
    It's a dark fairy tale and made for adults, not for little kids.
    The movie is about the war in Spain and that is mixed with a fantasy world where the girl in the movie hides in, to forget all her problems with the war and her stephfather who is a mean general.
    The movie is quite violence and dark.
    I know that loads of fairy tales which we know as sweet tales are from origin quite dark as well, so i think it's fantastic that Guillermo del Toro created a whole new fairy tale.
    The fantasy creatures are great and the movie is realistic and emotional.
    certainly one to watch!!!!!

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