This is one of the greatest coming of age tales ever told. Each and every character is developed enough for most adolescents to associate with. The obvious transition between high school seniors and freshman by first torturing and then accepting is still a masculine standard of human connection. I really love the fact that the whole movie takes place in one day. That subtle setting is what truly makes this film timeless.
swarley_dude's Reviews
Displaying Review 6 - 10 of 10 in total
This was a great movie in my opinion. I love chessy action movies where the action is amazing while the plot is still simple enough to follow but not be boring, and most of all, the main characters lines are coming out of your mouth as they say them. Ryan Reynolds is so funny in this movie Wesley Snipes didn't have to show up. Parker Posey is so hot here its no suprise to me ***spoiler alert*** that she and the other vampires burn up into ashes. Triple H does a great job of being big and Lincoln Burrows rules in the funny goth vampire store. I llove this movie, own it and watch it suprisingly often.
I enjoyed this movie. It wasn't great but had very interesting elements. I enjoyed the amazing dialogue only second to Tarnetino and Kevin Smith movies. The flashbacks made the film authentic as that is how people recall the past in visual and audible segments. The conversations while unapplicable were none the less fasinating. I do not condone drug use nor have I ever been in love enough to stalk a girl, but I still connected with the characters. Good movie but not a favorite.
I am so glad it is ok for adults to watch cartoons ever since this movie. The humor while often silly enough to entertain children was in actuallity directed towards adults. This great movie had half the cast of Monty Python, and I would say more than half the jokes/references went right over the head of children while slapping adults with laugh out loud moments. Great movie, loved it.
This film made everyone look twice at their surroundings for at least a week after viewing. I live my life by this movie. I always think; if my life were a TV show would people want to watch, and I do what I can to keep up the ratings. Jim Carrey first showed his thespian prowess in this film and moved away from slapstick humor which he has since returned to. He is one of the funniest actors ever but also a great actor in general as seen in this film. Great plot, acting, direction, story, you name it, this movie is a best.