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chrissnow's Reviews

Displaying Review 1 - 5 of 12 in total

  • Written by chrissnow on 03.10.2017

    Era da un pò che aspettavo di vedere questo film tratto dal fumetto omonimo di Mark Millar, leggermente al di sotto delle mie aspettative (che erano però alte).
    E' una sorta di parodia dei supereroi con il protagonista Dave Lizewski (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), un normalissimo studente di liceo un pò nerd, che decide di diventare un supereroe a New York. Scoprirà che non basta la buona volontà per sconfiggere il crimine ma l'incontro con altri due eroi mascherati, Big Daddy (Nicolas Cage) e la figlia Hit-Girl (una bravissima Chloe Grace-Moretz), sarà decisivo per il suo futuro.
    Azione, violenza e un pò di humour questi gli ingredienti del film: fa un pò effetto che la più spietata sia l'undicenne Hit-Girl che addestrata dal padre per una vendetta personale, non esita a trucidare i nemici quasi come se fosse un video-game.
    Nel resto del cast da citare soprattutto Mark Strong nei panni del boss Frank D'Amico, Christopher Mintz-Plasse (se non hai un doppio cognome non può fare questo film) nei panni del figlio, Lindsy Fonseca è Katie (l'amata da Dave).

  • Written by chrissnow on 03.10.2017

    Ero un pò più scettico riguardo a questo "supereroe" della Marvel e invece mi è piaciuto anche questo eroe, un pò particolare tra misticismo e spiritualità.
    Ottimo prologo in cui facciamo la conoscenza dell'Antico (Tilda Swinton) che cerca di fermare lo stregone Kaelicius (Mads Mikkelsen) autore di un furto in una biblioteca in Nepal.
    Poi l'azione si focalizza sul neurochirurgo, il Dottor Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), arrogante (come la maggior parte dei bravi chirurghi) con una passata relazione con la collega Christine (Rachel McAdams). Dopo un incidente stradale, il Dr. Strange subisce gravi danni alle sue preziose mani e per recuperare l'uso delle stesse si reca in Nepal.
    Alcune scene spettacolari con le dimensione alternative e l'alterazione della realtà; inoltre è presente un pò di umorismo con alcune battute del Dr. Strange che migliora in simpatia con il passare del tempo (carino il primo incontro con Christine in ospedale dopo che ha iniziato ad apprendere le arti mistiche dall'Antico).
    Nel resto del cast da citare Chiwetel Ejiofor nei panni di Mordo, discepolo e braccio destro dell'Antico.
    E' un film Marvel quindi solito cameo di Stan Lee e scene dopo i titoli di coda (due scene, una dopo i primi titoli e l'altra alla fine dei titoli).

  • Written by chrissnow on 04.10.2017

    Decent Pixar movie, followed by (or spinoff) of "Finding Nemo".
    In fact, in this film, the protagonist is the distorted Dory who will be looking for his parents lost for a long time.
    In his research he will be able to count on the help of Nemo and his father Marlin but also of other protagonists, some intruders in the first episode other unpublished, including the rainy Hank.
    Cute start with the poor Dory who loses contact with her parents and suffering from short term memory loss can no longer find the way home; even asking for directions and receiving help will not be easy.
    Some nice and cute scenes, the film has a standard breakthrough by taking a step below other Pixar movies; as usual humans are just in the background or seen as threats (terrible scene in the tactile touch tank where the hands of children are seen as dangerous threats). It emphasizes the importance of friendship and that any physical (or mental) defect should not limit our abilities and our goals. Nice and a bit annoying the two sea lions; even animals other than Dory have some flaws like Destiny, the whale shark a bit short, Becky, the bird a bit rough but that will give a big hand in the search.

  • Written by chrissnow on 06.10.2017

    Interesting horror that also had good critical reviews.
    The prologue in which a terrified girl escapes from a mysterious individual can not be seen; the girl does not do fine.
    After this introduction, action and attention shifted to Jay (Maika Monroe, also seen in Independence Day), a normal girl from the province who comes out with her boyfriend. The two, after they left the movie where the boy was terrified of something, have a sexual relationship; after which he narcoses Jay, binds it to a chair, and tells her that he has sent a kind of curse to her. He is persecuted by an evil entity who follows him everywhere and the only way to free it is to have sex with another person.
    After these facts, one would expect the film to end in trivial sexual relations instead the film keeps on a good level of tension without too much jolting in the chair but with the attention always denying to Jay and the spectator. Sex is left in the background (for example, when Jay finds two bathers on a beach) and the spectator, like Jay, tends to look thick behind. Interesting is the final idea of ​​Jay's friend.
    The film does not give too much explanation of the origin of "thing", letting the mystery give more tension to the vision; perhaps it will be deepened in a possible sequel, which saw the success of the film could become possible. With my only certainty that at the present time I would have very little chance of being prey to this "curse."

  • Written by chrissnow on 10.10.2017

    Agent K (Ryan Gosling) is a replicant of the latest generation used to hunt the old rebel Nexus replicants. The discovery of a box buried under a tree near the farm of his last job will lead him to an investigation that will affect his future and the thoughts of his condition.
    The film retains the atmospheres and doubts of the original with a host of great new characters; we find replicants that begin to have a conscience and are hard to distinguish from human beings.
    To mention K's virtual companion, a gorgeous Joi (Ana de Armas seen in the recent Overdrive) that will fall in love with the male audience; the founder of Wallace Industries (the company that produces the latest generation replicants) Neander Wallace (Jared Leto) with the help of the right arm Luv (Sylvia Hoeks in "The Best Offer") is ambitious.
    K will meet Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) to try to clarify some of the details that emerged during his investigations.
    The only defect in the film is its slowness, occasionally the rhythm slows down abruptly (maybe a little too) as if it should reflect on the condition of the replicants.
    In the rest of the cast to be cited by Robin Wright as Lieutenant Joshi, K Head; Dave Bautista ("The Guardians of the Galaxy") is Sapper Morton, the Nexus replicant that starts the entire movie.

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