Plot involved a scientist played by Claude Rains (I first saw him in Robin Hood) that found the way to become invisible. The problem is, now he can't turn back and he desperately try to find a cure. Plus the product he use to create his formula gradually drived him insane, first doing some childish prank to horrified towners, but soon turning him into a killer.
I had the chance recently to buy the wonderful box of classic Universal horror movies bluray. Such an awesome material to view the classical films that stunned the 20's and the 30's.
One day I invited a friend at home, much younger than me and gave him the occasion to see this movie. At the end when I said it was from the early 30's, he didn't believe me.
Why ?
Because the effects are so awesome, the cinematography is so good that it makes you wonder how they did this. at the time, noone ever saw something like that. The camera and the set up are so cleverly used, it's always amazing. The actors are at their best, especially Claude Rains, like the sequence where he talked about the moon being frightened of him. He's like an invisible version of the Joker, always laughing and talking sarcastically. Music, set-up, lightening, script and of course special effects are all great.
Check it out.