Hypnotic. Poetic. Elegiac. Beautiful. Moving. All adjectives that can be used to describe The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, Andrew Dominick's follow up to 2000's excellent Chopper. Criminally overlooked in all categories at this years Oscars, this film is so good on so many levels. Firstly, the acting. Two of the greatest performances you are likely to see, from Brad Pitt as the outlaw Jesse James and from Casy Affleck as the coward Robert Ford, stepping out of his brother Ben's shadow to firmly establish his own mark. Add to that great writing and direction from Dominick, stunning cinematography from the Coen's regular cinematographer Roger Deakins (honestly, every frame of this film could be in an art gallery, it's that beautiful), and so much more that deserves all the credit in the world. The slow pace and long running time may detract some from giving this film a go, but I urge you not to be put off by these factors. A stunning and beautiful film, in every way, about the dangers of obsession and celebrity (hmm, wonder what attracted Brad Pitt to this film?). So good
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Reviews
- Author: cosmobrown Modern masterpiece
- Author: farfromrefuge was the movie made for the music?