I listen to the music of Plaid a lot. I've got the soundtrack of Heavens Door, the second film by director Michael Arias. Wich is one of the best works of Plaid. The soundtrack of Tekkon kinkreet however I couldn't get my hands on. Instead I just put on the dvd and it's almost like watching a long Plaid video.
Offcourse this is a movie. But the plot of this film is not quite why I like it so much. It is the music, combinded with stunning artwork. Every shot out of this movie is like a painting you can look at for quite some time. The details are just beautyfull.
The characters are a bit of opposites. One is tough and smart. the other is quite naive and soft. They need each other but also endanger each other. This symbolism realy spoke to me. All and all I realy love this film.
Tekkon kinkurîto (2006)

Tekkon kinkurîto Reviews
- Author: schnaeckerdt A long Plaid video