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Zivot je cudo(2004)


What could be better for the village than a scenic railway to bring in the tourists? What could be worse for tourism than war? Luka builds the railway and shuts his eyes to war. Then Luka's wife runs off with a musician and his son is called up to the army. Luka's life is a war zone. Then he meets Sabaha..

Alternative Titles

  • La vie est un miracle
  • La vita è un miracolo
  • Life Is a Miracle
  • Hungry Heart
  • Az élet egy csoda


User Rating (13 votes)

Ajax loader on white
7.69 / 10

Stats for Zivot je cudo

  • 25Number of snapshots
  • 1667Total solves
  • Loute Introduced by
  • 19.06.2009Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews