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In the Fall of 1940, the entire population of Friar, New Hampshire walked together up a winding mountain trail and into the wilderness. Without warning, they left behind everything: their homes, their clothes, and their money. The only clue where they went was a single word etched into stone near the forest’s edge: YELLOWBRICKROAD.

Alternative Titles

  • Le chemin sans retour
  • YellowBrickRoad - Weg ohne Wiederkehr
  • Der Pfad des Todes - Weg ohne Wiederkehr
  • Camino prohibido
  • Дорога из желтого кирпича


User Rating (2 votes)

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Stats for YellowBrickRoad

  • 9Number of snapshots
  • 394Total solves
  • torqu3 Introduced by
  • 21.07.2012Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews