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Xander Cage is your standard adrenaline junkie with no fear and a lousy attitude. When the US Government "recruits" him to go on a mission, he's not exactly thrilled. His mission: to gather information on an organization that may just be planning the destruction of the world, led by the nihilistic Yorgi.

Alternative Titles

  • xXx - O apolytos praktoras
  • XXX - Yeni nesil ajan
  • XXX - Missão Radical
  • Triple X
  • Triplo X


User Rating (43 votes)

Ajax loader on white
5.70 / 10

Stats for xXx

  • 29Number of snapshots
  • 9207Total solves
  • Graudmo Introduced by
  • 27.05.2009Introduced on
  • 1Number of reviews