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Un bon bock(1892)


An 1892 French short animated film directed by Émile Reynaud. It consists of 700 individually painted images and lasts about 15 minutes. It is one of the first animated films ever made and was the first to be screened on Reynaud's modified praxinoscope, the optical theatre.

Alternative Titles

  • Egy jó pohár sör
  • A Good Beer


Movie status

This movie is locked. You can't upload shots from this movie because it was recognized as a short movie, a movie unreleased in Theatres, or a movie with Porn, racist material, or unsuitable content.

You can see the list of all locked movies on WTM here.

User Rating (0 votes)

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Stats for Un bon bock

  • 0Number of snapshots
  • 0Total solves
  • 18.01.2013Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews