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Titanic (1997)

A list of the main characters from Titanic. You can write a short Description of your favourite Characters or upload some cool Stills.

Displaying Character 1 - 6 of 23 in total

  • Rose DeWitt Bukater

    A 17-year-old girl, originally from Philadelphia, who is forced into an engagement to 3...

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  • Jack Dawson

    A homeless, poor man from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin who has toured numerous places in t...

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  • Ruth Dewitt Bukater

    Rose's widowed mother, who arranges her daughter's engagement to Cal to maintain her f...

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  • Caledon 'Cal' Hockley

    Cal is Rose's 30-year-old fiancé. He is arrogant and snobbish, and the heir to a steel...

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  • Molly Brown

    Brown is looked down on upon by other first-class women, including Ruth, as "vulgar" an...

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  • Brock Lovett

    A treasure hunter looking for the "Heart of the Ocean" in the wreck of the Titanic in t...

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Titanic Characters
