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Time Bandits(1981)

  • Genre:
    • Adventure
    • Thriller
    • Mystery
  • Director:
    • Terry Gilliam

Time Bandits is a fantasy comedy from Great Britain in which a young boy begins an adventurous travel in time where he meets prominent people from history. The film came from the production company, Handmade Films, that also produced Monty Python’s Life of Brian.


Written by Asmodai on 14.09.2010

Facts & Figures

* Title: Time Bandits
* IMDB rating at time of writing: 6.9
* Year: 1981
* Length: 116 minutes
* Country: United Kingdom
* Director: Terry Gilliam
* Producer: Terry Gilliam, George Harrison, Denis O’Brien
* Writers: Terry Gilliam, Michael Pal

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7.40 / 10


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