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The Salton Sea (2002)

Displaying 1 Review

  • Written by Oroborus on 07.10.2009

    Dark humor is a growing trend in films since the explosion of Pulp Fiction. Some films get it right, like Fight Club. Some films fall flat, like Rules of Attraction. This film, The Salton Sea, gets it right. Whenever you're laughing and simultaneously thinking, "I should NOT be laughing at this", you know you're watching good dark humor.

    There are a few great moments like this, but added to that are some well crafted scenes, good acting, and a plot that is better than nearly every other drug-themed film I can think of. Films like Trainspotting and Requiem for a Dream are excellent examinations of drug use and addiction, but in terms of real plot, things really are on the thin side. This film gives you the visual goodness that comes with exploring a drug culture, but takes the plot above this, leaving it in the background.

    The less you know about this movie before you see it, the better. But I will tell you this much: do not expect your typical "my life sucks so I destroy myself with drugs so pity me" kind of film. Early on in the movie, the main character says "I know what you're thinking, but don't give up on me yet." This is a good bit of advice, because you just might end up rooting for this guy by the end of the film.

    If you look for flaws, they are there, but well painted over with great visuals, great humor, and an marvelous shift from lazy introduction to mounting intensity. Occasionally the main character lets himself meander off the path a bit too far with pointless poetic ramblings, but it's only mildly annoying. There are a few scenes that don't hold up under scrutiny, but the problems don't get in the way of a great plot.

The Salton Sea Reviews
