What is the point of Paris Hilton? She is like a scab upon the world. Born with a silver spoon in her mouth (which she has promptly replaced with a succession of dicks), she could just quietly sit back and collect her Hilton fortunes. Instead, she forces herself upon us like a drunk football player. Crappy reality shows (there's a special place in Hell reserved for Paris Hilton's British Best Friend), crappy leaked sex tapes, and now crappy movies. The Hottie and the Nottie is the blandest, most self-involved, insubstantial, offensively bad piece of crap that should never have seen the light of day. Paris Hilton can't act to save her life. House of Wax had the novelty of her being killed. This film has no such novelty. She has one facial expression throughout the whole thing, and it looks like a mixture of being stoned and having to squint up at the sun. Oh yeah, Hilton is the Hottie of the title by the way (although she isn't my idea of one). And she has a Nottie best friend (clearly a good looking girl with a mole stuck on and some bad dentures). The film thinks it has a really sweet message at it's core (inner beauty, not outer beauty!) except it completely undermines that by having the "nottie" have various surgeries before she is noticed by any potential suitors. Yep, shallower than a midget's bathtub. Just an awful film, that isn't funny, isn't sweet and isn't worth your time. Paris Hilton, fuck off.