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The Draughtsman's Contract(1982)


Mr. Neville, a cocksure young artist is contracted by Mrs. Herbert, to produce a set of twelve drawings of her husband's estate, a contract which extends much further than either the purse or the sketchpad. The sketches themselves prove of an even greater significance than supposed upon the discovery of the body of Mr. Herbert.

Alternative Titles

  • Meurtre dans un jardin anglais
  • Der Kontrakt des Zeichners
  • o contrato
  • El contrato del dibujante
  • A rajzoló szerzödése


User Rating (10 votes)

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7.70 / 10

Stats for The Draughtsman's Contrac

  • 40Number of snapshots
  • 4030Total solves
  • bou Introduced by
  • 27.05.2009Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews