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Secuestrados (2010)

Displaying 1 Review

  • Written by deleted user on 10.06.2011

    SECUESTRADOS is the second feature film by the spanish director Miguel Ángel Vivas whose debut REFLEJOS (2002) was a commercial and critical fail. Now he has done a good job.

    His latest work is an intensive and realistic horror thriller that kicks balls. Vivas uses brilliant techniques like splitscreen sequences and long scenes without any cuts. It's not that predictable as most of the movies of that kind. The actors don't fail as well and transfer their physical pain to the viewer in an excellent way. KIDNAPPED (that's the international title) is exciting to its gory end, an ass kicking exploitation movie that you will hear of.

    Okay, many parts are stolen from the infamous IRREVERSIBLE. But who cares?

Secuestrados Reviews
