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Rose Pamphyle, 21, is determined to break free from her stifling existence. Living with her widowed father and dreary husband, she seems destined to remain a bored housewife. That is, until she applies for a job at an insurance agency and her charismatic boss offers her a job - provided she compete in a speed typing tournament.

Alternative Titles

  • Mademoiselle Populaire
  • A Datilógrafa
  • Tutti pazzi per Rose
  • Wspaniała
  • Popularit


User Rating (4 votes)

Ajax loader on white
5.50 / 10

Stats for Populaire

  • 21Number of snapshots
  • 2223Total solves
  • Eyriol Introduced by
  • 13.04.2013Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews