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Piazza delle cinque lune(2003)


Just the night before his retirement District Attorney Saracini is given a film showing the kidnapping of Aldo Moro. As the District Attorney takes on the case he along with his team finds more compelling and secretive evidences. Too many secrets are found that should stayed as secrets.

Alternative Titles

  • A Praça das Cinco Luas
  • Площад Петте луни
  • L'affaire des cinq lunes
  • Der Tag, an dem Aldo Moro starb
  • Az Aldo Moro-ügy


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Stats for Piazza delle cinque lune

  • 1Number of snapshots
  • 55Total solves
  • footprints Introduced by
  • 27.08.2020Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews