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Megamind (2010)

Displaying 1 Review

  • Written by Nuclearplanet on 19.05.2012

    Megamind is a strange film that manages to take the conventional Point of view, and flip it on its side. We don't follow the hero here, we follow the villain, the character everybody loves to hate. Being hated is something everybody loathes which is why it's so easy to relate to the main character - Megamind.

    Firstly, a Great story isn't present here - let's get that clear. It's Box-Office bull but it's an enjoyable one at that. I watched this film in 3D (which looks brilliant) and super-sizes the world of the film. I'd suggest to watch this in cinema or on a 3D TV, It's useless watching this in the car on a Laptop as it lets down the film dependence on atmosphere.

Megamind Reviews
