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Little Buddha(1993)


Lama Norbu comes to Seattle in search of the reincarnation of his dead teacher, Lama Dorje. His search leads him to young Jesse Conrad, Raju, a waif from Kathmandu, and an upper class Indian girl. Together, they journey to Bhutan where the three children must undergo a test to prove which is the true reincarnation.

Alternative Titles

  • Mały Budda
  • O Pequeno Buda
  • Piccolo Buddha
  • Lille Buddha
  • Pequeño Buda


User Rating (4 votes)

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8.00 / 10

Stats for Little Buddha

  • 14Number of snapshots
  • 1344Total solves
  • sohor Introduced by
  • 27.05.2009Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews