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Les démons de Jésus (1997)

Displaying 1 Review

  • Written by alphaaline on 29.09.2012

    What to say about this film? Rather than being only a comedy, "Les démons de Jésus" adopts a style more social drama, a kind of Ken Loach French version. I didn't laugh as much for a film like this for a long time. For a French film. The actors are simply amazing with a lot of affection. I expanded my vocabulary of insults, a surprising linguistic pleasure! But beyond appearance good laugh they are a real sociological and cultural questions being plotted in this touching story. The clash of cultures, mixing of social classes, the hope, the desire to leave a cultural pattern... This is a film that stands out as the quota of French music is far from being respected, there is a soundtrack almost English.

    To discover if you have not already done!

    (Please excuse my English)

Les démons de Jésus Reviews
