High School Musical 2(2007)
During the summer vacations a talent show is organized in a local country club and Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan, Chad and Taylor take part in it.
Alternative Titles
High School Musical 2: Singt alle oder keiner!
Szerelmes hangjegyek 2.
Классный мюзикл: Каникулы
Movie status
This movie is locked. You can't upload shots from this movie because it was recognized as a short movie, a movie unreleased in Theatres, or a movie with Porn, racist material, or unsuitable content.
You can see the list of all locked movies on WTM here.
Stats for High School Musical 2
- 1Number of snapshots
- 889Total solves
- alissa13 Introduced by
- 27.05.2009Introduced on
- 0Number of reviews