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Halo Legends(2010)


Halo Legends is an unprecedented gathering of the finest talent in Japanese animation that have drawn together to explore the mystery and action of the Halo universe. Eight episodes and a stunning range of visual styles shed new light and epic perspective on Halo lore.

Alternative Titles

  • Halo: Legendy


Movie status

This movie is locked. You can't upload shots from this movie because it was recognized as a short movie, a movie unreleased in Theatres, or a movie with Porn, racist material, or unsuitable content.

You can see the list of all locked movies on WTM here.

User Rating (1 votes)

Ajax loader on white
6.00 / 10

Stats for Halo Legends

  • 0Number of snapshots
  • 0Total solves
  • jeroenvdl Introduced by
  • 21.02.2010Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews