Death of a President (2006)
Larry Stafford (Brian Boland)
Lead Secret Service agent assigned to the president. He ultimately failed in preventing the president from being assassinated, as he discusses the day's events and security precautions leading up to the tragedy.
Death of a President Characters
Zahra Abi Zikri
The wife of convicted assassin Jamal ... -
Eleanor Drake
The personal advisor to the president... -
Larry Stafford
Lead Secret Service agent assigned to... -
Greg Turner
First Deputy of the Chicago police de... -
Sam McCarthy
White House correspondent for The Wa... -
Frank Molini
A war protester caught and arrested b... -
Robert H. Maguire
The special agent in charge at the FB... -
Dr. James Pearn
An FBI forensic examiner assigned to ... -
Casey Claybon
Son of possible suspected assassin Al... -
Samir Masri
A Yemeni American protesting at the w... -
John Rucinski
FBI investigator with the joint terro... -
Marianne Claybon
Wife of suspected possible assassin A... -
Dawn Norton
Jamal Abu Zikry's defence attorney. S... -
Jamal Abu Zikri
The suspected assassin, a Syrian nati... -
No Shots yet
Al Claybon
The figure cited as a strong likely s... -
George W. Bush
The 43rd president of the United States. -
Dick Cheney
Bush's vice president.
Favourite Character of
Nobody loves Larry Stafford. Be the first One!