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Dance Flick (2009)

Displaying 1 Review

  • Written by cosmobrown on 17.09.2009

    In the 14th century, Dante's Divine Comedy spoke of the 9 stages of Hell. In the 21st century, an 10th stage of Hell was added, and it's name is Dance Flick. It's the latest spoof film from the impossibly-large Wayans family, the guys behind the Scary Movies. Honestly, lift up a rock and more Wayans family members will scurry out like cockroaches. It's directed by a Wayans (Damien Dante), written by five Wayans (Keenan Ivory, Shawn, Marlon, Craig, Damien Dante) and starring no less than 9 Wayans (as well as the aforementioned we have Damon, Kim, Craig, Michael and Cara Mia). How can such a large family have so little talent? Even the Baldwins have a better success rate than that. As you can imagine, Dance Flick is seven shades of shit. Entirely devoid of laughs, it's simplistic, juvenile, stupid and just plain unfunny. You could see the tumbleweed blow past after every one-liner sunk like the Titanic. Not only that, but the film is incredibly offensive, primarily to black people (staggering considering it was made by a family of black men). How any black person can watch this film and not be offended is beyond me. Every character is such a broad offensive stereotype, it's so stupid. Not to mention the odd range of references the Wayans throw at us. Naturally, there's Step Up, Honey, You Got Served etc, but Black Snake Moan? Why? Because there's a black man in it? Thats literally the Wayans level of thinking. So stupid, pointless, and unfunny. No one was laughing in the cinema, you could literally hear every cough, mutter and popcorn rustle, which was a postive thing because anyone who laughs at this film needs some serious help. The Wayans family have brought nothing positive to the world of cinema, and Dance Flick is a new low. Pointless, stupid, inept, offensively bad. Good for a laugh, but not in the way that the Wayans brothers probably intended.

Dance Flick Reviews
