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Charley Varrick(1973)


Charley Varrick and his friends rob a small town bank. Expecting a small sum to divide amongst themselves, they are surprised to discover a very LARGE amount of money. Quickly figuring out that the money belongs to the MOB, they must now come up with a plan to throw the MOB off their trail.

Alternative Titles

  • Der große Coup
  • Charley Varrick: The Last of the Independents
  • Charley Varricks kupp de luxe
  • Chi ucciderà Charley Varrick?
  • Fallgropen


User Rating (4 votes)

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8.75 / 10

Stats for Charley Varrick

  • 4Number of snapshots
  • 214Total solves
  • deleted user Introduced by
  • 24.08.2009Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews