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Cadaveri eccellenti (1976)

Displaying 1 Review

  • Written by Simzilla on 13.01.2023


    A great example of a binational coproduction (France & Italy), in which the great Lino Ventura stars as Italy best detective, chasing a faceless killer, seeking revenge for an injustice perpetrated by, sweet and old irony, Italian's Justice.

    There is something so grave with Francesco Rosi's Italy (and Italy in general), boiling with tensions and great statured things.

    The power holding Italy together is faceless, bureaucratical and almost sacred. Lino Ventura's character isn't fighting people, he is fighting principles, efforts aimed at maintaining a vision of the world.

    Therefore, just like many Rosi's films, this work is eminently political and a call for rebellion.

    About that, the ending is absolutely majestic and brutal, once again spending the end of a communist revolution for the "greater good" of a country ready to explode.

Cadaveri eccellenti Reviews
