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Bis ans Ende der Welt(1991)


Bis ans Ende der Welt is a modern age odyssey with the purpose of restoring sight - a spiritual reconciliation between an obsessed father and a deserted son. Dr. Farber, in trying to find a cure for his wife's blindness, has created a device that allows the user to send images directly to the brain, enabling the blind to see.

Alternative Titles

  • Until the End of the World
  • Jusqu'au bout du monde
  • Hasta el fin del mundo
  • Fino alla fine del mondo
  • Até ao Fim do Mundo


User Rating (2 votes)

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8.50 / 10

Stats for Bis ans Ende der Welt

  • 5Number of snapshots
  • 251Total solves
  • Guigs Introduced by
  • 27.05.2009Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews