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Being John Malkovich(1999)

  • Genre:
    • Drama
    • Fantasy
    • Comedy
  • Director:
    • Spike Jonze

Spike Jone’s debut feature film is a love story mix of comedy and fantasy. The story is about an unsuccessful puppeteer named Craig, who one day at work finds a portal into the head of actor John Malkovich. The portal soon becomes a passion for anybody who enters it’s mad and controlling world of over overtaking another human body.


Written by swappatura on 15.12.2009

"Being John Malkovich" gives a narrative depth to the Andy Warhol's forecast: "In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes". A brilliant essey on identity and narcissism, performed by good actors including an excellent and unrecognizable Cameron Diaz.
The movie is a bizarre mixture

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7.87 / 10


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