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Beauty and the Beast(1991)

  • Genre:
    • Animation
    • Music
    • Comedy
  • Director:
    • Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise

Belle is a girl who is dissatisfied with life in a small provincial French town, constantly trying to fend off the misplaced "affections" of conceited Gaston. The Beast is a prince who was placed under a spell because he could not love. A wrong turn taken by Maurice, Belle's father, causes the two to meet.


Written by Greymatter on 09.12.2010

Ok. I know, I'm a guy. I used to be a little kid and my father bought me every single Disney that comes out on VHS. At this time, I had my favourite and that was not that one. When I saw it at the theater, I enjoyed it, but it didn't made a great impression on me. But, now I'm a grown up man, I gave

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