Battleship (2012)
Captain Yugi Nagata (Tadanobu Asano)
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Battleship Characters
Admiral Shane
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Secretary of Defense
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Captain Yugi Nagata
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Cal Zapata
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Lieutenant Colonel Mick Canales
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Lieutenant Alex Hopper
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Commander Stone Hopper
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Boatswain Mate Seaman Jimmy "Ordy" Ord
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Dr. Nogrady
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- Petty Officer Cora 'Weps' Raikes (Rihanna)
- Sampson JOOD Strodell (Jerry Ferrara)
- Chief Petty Officer Walter "The Beast" Lynch (John Tui)
- NASA Director (David Jensen)
- JPJ 2nd Gunner (Peter Berg)
- Captain Browley (Rico McClinton)
- Chief Engineer Hiroki (Joji Yoshida)
- JPJ OOD (Stephen Bishop)
- JPJ Fireman (Austin Naulty)
- JPJ Scat (James Rawlings)
- Electronic Warfare Supervisor (Dustin J. Reno)
- Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (Rick Hoffman)
- Air Force Chief of Staff (Gary Grubbs)
- Watch Officer (Rami Malek)
- Bartender (Louis Lombardi)
- JPJ Sailor (Jordan Kirkwood)
- CIC Watch Supervisor (Doug Penty)
- CIC Gunner (Carson Aune)
- Combat Systems Coordinator (Josh Pence)
- JPJ Port Gunner (Lloyd Pitts)
- British Newscaster (Michelle Arthur)
- Spanish Newscaster (Natalia Castellanos)
- Japanese Newscaster (Leni Ito)
- Jackie Johnson (Jackie Johnson)
- Cal's Female Colleague (Kerry Cahill)
- Old Salt (Norman Vincent McLafferty)
- JPJ XO Mullenaro (Dante Jimenez)
- JPJ Helmsman (Daven Arce)
- JPJ Starboard Gunner (Ralph Richardson)
- JPJ BMOW (Biunca Love)
- Regent Sea Commander (Kyle Russell Clements)
- Myoko XO (Yutaka Takeuchi)
- JPJ Sailor (John A Weaver)
- Sampson OOD (Dane Justman)
- Sampson XO (Drew Rausch)
- Marine Commandant (Bill Stinchcomb)
- Angus (John Bell)
- Naval Officer (Arlene Newman)
- Tourist Guide (George O'Hanlon Jr.)
- Navy Wife (uncredited) (Lana McLellan)
- American Newscaster (Jay Jackson)
- JPL Controller (Joe Chrest)
- Japanese Sailor (uncredited) (Ed Moy)
- Self (uncredited) (Barack Obama)
- Female Newscaster (Liz Wicker)
- JPJ JOOD (Michael Sherman)
- JPJ Fireman (Patricia Brown)
- JPJ Fireman (Gregory Harvey)
- JPJ Scat (Sebastian James)
- JPJ Armorer (Andrew Serpas)
- JPJ Helibay Sailor (Damien Seanard Parker)
- Radar System Controller (Jason Henderson)
- Chart Table Plotter (Brint Terrell)
- Chart Table Log Keeper (Brad Faucheux)
- CIC Watch Officer (John Schmotzer)
- JPJ Port Gunner (Jonathon Groves)
- JPJ Radar Op (Ryan Tinio)
- JPJ Lead Helmsman (Allie Sillah)
- JPJ Switchboard Operator (Johnny Santiago)
- Gun Console Operator (Kiley Margeson)
- Surface Warfare Coordinator (Jeffrey Johns)
- JPJ CIWS Operator (Esther Solomon)
- JPJ Air Warfare Coordinator (Kevin Garlington)
- JPJ Sailor (Anthony Czumalowski)
- JPJ Sailor (James Hadde)
- JPJ Sailor (Pat Lancaster)
- JPJ Sailor (Jordan Kirkwood)
- JPJ Sailor (Jane Dubiel)
- JPJ Sailor (Mark J. Lindquist)
- JPJ Sailor (Phil Neilson)
- Sampson Helmsman (Dustin Watchman)
- Sampson CIC TAO (Ryland Reamy)
- Sampson Starboard Lookout (Donald Willcutt)
- Sampson Boatswain (Eli Miranda)
- Sampson Port Lookout (Josh Demuth)
- Sampson Watch Officer (Thomas Grieser)
- Samson OS DA (Christopher Darling)
- Sampson Gunner (Tyrone Gregg)
- Myoko OOD (Brian C. Hirono)
- Myoko JOOD (Nobuharu Harada)
- Myoko Helmsman (Masaomi Uchida)
- Myoko Radar Operator (Kyle Ken Shimabukuro)
- Myoko Starboard Lookout (Masashi Takekawa)
- Myoko BMOW (Hyoe Joe Takahashi)
- State Department Official (Stephen Baldini)
- Army Chief of Staff (Bruce Mandell)
- Commander Meldman (Mike Meldman)
- Ensign (Hunter Meldman)
- Japanese Vice Admiral (George Arine)
- JPL Supervisor (Bill McMullen)
- Officer Blake (Benjamin Lloyd)
- BIP Technician (Billy Slaughter)
- BIP HQ Controller #2 (Griff Furst)
- BIP Journalist (Terri Battee)
- BIP Journalist (Angelo Denova)
- BIP Scientist (Colby Parker, Jr.)
- BIP Scientist (Geoff Clayton)
- BIP Scientist (David Kors)
- Cal's Jr. Tech (Christopher McGahan)
- Hawaiian Newscaster (Dan Cooke)
- Soccer Ref (Frank J. Doyle)
- Soccer Announcer (Robin Atkin Downes)
- Soccer Announcer (Zach Selwyn)
- Japanese Goalie (Leonard Rogers)
- Singer at Bar (Citizen Cope)
- Fat Guy at Bar (Evan Bernard)
- Convenience Store Owner (Cora Yamagata)
- Grizzled Gunner (Frank Cassavetes)
- Admiral Shane's Aide (Thomas McCurdy)
- Marine Aide (Robert Hotalen)
- Reagan CO (Ray Mabus)
- Reagan Radar Operator (Marissa Nordhelm)
- Commander Rivera (Ronald Chavez)
- Wounded Warrior (Legrand Strickland)
- CAREN Technician (Michael Vernon)
- Director of Rehabilitation (Jason Wilken)
- Old Salt (James Ward)
- Old Salt (Philip Trifilo)
- Old Salt (William Powers)
- Old Salt (Don Dailey)
- Old Salt (Bill Carr)
- Old Salt (Dennis M. Keating)
- Old Salt (Garrett Lynch)
- Old Salt (Wallace Mackensen)
- Old Salt (William Long)
- Old Salt TAO (Edward Drew)
- Old Salt RO (John E. Culkin)
- Old Salt Navigator (Hiram L. Fong)
- Old Salt WO (Larry Wegger)
- POFC Dallas (Dallas Kane Hewitt)
- SCAT Team (Adam Sibley)
- SCAT Team (James Rish)
- Tourist Kid (Wesley Phelps)
- Regent Land Commander (Marcus Lyle Brown)
- Jimmy (Kevin P. Kearns)
- Ronnie (Conor McCarry)
- Thom (Dylan Gillooly)
- Ensign Chavez (Adrian Bellani)
- Scientist (uncredited) (Rachel Acuna)
- Reporter (uncredited) (Teresa Alvarez)
- Admiral Jack (uncredited) (Luing Andrews)
- Marine (uncredited) (Joshua Aucoin)
- Officer (uncredited) (Ash Baggott)
- Soccer Fan (uncredited) (Fileena Bahris)
- Woman at Soccer Game (uncredited) (Joanne Bahris)
- Lt. Spencer (uncredited) (Tyler Baker)
- Regent (uncredited) (Tim Blanchard)
- Singaporean Captain (uncredited) (Raj K. Bose)
- Bar Patron (uncredited) (Nicholas Bursavich)
- Naval Officer (uncredited) (Curtis Bush)
- Three Star Admiral (uncredited) (Tom Cain)
- Scientist (uncredited) (Edward J. Clare)
- Little League Father (uncredited) (Davo Coria)
- Colombian Soccer Player (uncredited) (Emmanuel Dejesus)
- Chief Petty Officer (uncredited) (Kamakani De Dely)
- CIC Sailor (uncredited) (Alex DeMarco)
- U.S. Navy Captain (uncredited) (Paul Edney)
- Petty Officer 3rd Class Blackburn (uncredited) (Joanna Ellenbeck)
- Navy Wife (uncredited) (Kerry-Ann Ellington)
- Bar Patron (uncredited) (Kasey Emas)
- Harrison (uncredited) (Faith Fay)
- Japanese Naval Officer (uncredited) (Taishi Fujiwara)
- Marine (uncredited) (Eric Furlow)
- Ensign Huyn (uncredited) (Gregory Allen Gabroy)
- Alien Regent / Thug (uncredited) (Jaq Galliano)
- Baseball Kid (uncredited) (Mickey Graue)
- Myoko Sailor (uncredited) (Paul Gunawan)
- Marine (uncredited) (Christopher Lee Herod)
- Gunner's Mate Wagner (uncredited) (Dakota Hill)
- U.S. Navy Sailor (uncredited) (Sean Douglas Hoban)
- J.P.L. Scientist (uncredited) (Kaitlin Hoychick)
- Soccer Fan (uncredited) (Bliss Kelley)
- Kid in Car (uncredited) (Kennon Kepper)
- Soccer Game Patron (uncredited) (Kristal Kincaid)
- Petty Officer (uncredited) (James Koons)
- Japanese Soccer Player (uncredited) (Anthony A. Kung)
- Reporter (uncredited) (Tony Lawson)
- Myoko Watchman (uncredited) (Greg Liem)
- International Anchor (uncredited) (Wes Martinez)
- Japanese Sailor (uncredited) (Ed Moy)
- Wrangler (uncredited) (Shelly Nakai)
- Navy Wife (uncredited) (Suki Úna Rae)
- Petty Officer 3rd Class (uncredited) (Adam J. Reeb)
- Naval Officer (uncredited) (Jane Runnalls)
- Hawaiian Bar Server (uncredited) (Rhonda Schaubert)
- Camera Ship Pilot (uncredited) (Ben Skorstad)
- Bar Patron (uncredited) (Annie Smith)
- Admiral's Wife (uncredited) (Barbara L. Southern)
- Marine General (uncredited) (Andrew J. Spinks)
- Hot Chick (uncredited) (Kristen StephensonPino)
- Alien Ground Commander (uncredited) (Kelly R. Thomas)
- Alien Regent Scientist / MO CAP (uncredited) (Joseph Wilson)
- Journalist (uncredited) (Michael Wozniak)
- Myoko Officer (uncredited) (Elvin Yoshida)
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