9 (2009)
5 (John C. Reilly)
5 is the Healer part of the Scientist's personality. He takes the parts that he has and makes them work together. Most often this means that he fixes the injuries that the other creations have gotten while fighting the Machine and its minions. 5 is also caring, nurturing, and the loyal, big-hearted "common man" who always tries to play the peacemaker.
9 Characters
9 is the Scientist's humanity. He is ... -
5 is the Healer part of the Scientist... -
7 is the warrior part of the Scientis... -
1 (voice)
1 is the cowardly portion of the Scie... -
6 is the artistic portion of the Scie... -
2 is the creative portion of the Scie... -
8 is the bully from the Scientist's p... -
No Shots yet
One of the twin historians of the gro... -
The twin brother of 4. Also a mute, 3... -
The Scientist
The man who invented the nine creatio...
Favourite Character of
Nobody loves 5. Be the first One!