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7, Hyden Park: la casa maledetta(1985)


David Warbeck stars as an instructor who marries a traumatized, crippled woman. The wife suffers from PTSD and is tormented by a traumatic event that happened in her past. What is even more unfortunate is that her marriage is a just part of her maniac husband's evil scheme to kill her for her money.

Alternative Titles

  • Formula for a Murder
  • Formula per un assassinio
  • Presencia siniestra
  • Formule pour un meurtre
  • Syntagi gia fono


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Stats for 7, Hyden Park: la casa ma

  • 3Number of snapshots
  • 121Total solves
  • ZomBeeBob Introduced by
  • 14.03.2014Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews