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50 First Dates(2004)

  • Genre:
    • Comedy
    • Drama
    • Romance
  • Director:
    • Peter Segal

Henry Roth (Sandler) is a veterinarian living in Hawaii who enjoys the company of vacationing women. He leaves the playboy life behind after he falls for Lucy (Barrymore), who suffers from short-term memory loss. Since she can never remember meeting him, Henry has to romance Lucy every single day and hope that she falls for him.


Written by guustflaterke on 02.06.2009

I've seen a lot of Adam Sandlers movies and I think this one can be the best one so far.
Mostly I don't watch movies more than ones, but I just loved the jokes, the compassion they create, his assistent and Ula is so good... I watched it about a 5 times so far.
If you like to watch intellectuel m

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6.91 / 10


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