Displaying all 7 Shot shout
@efji : Don't you have anything better to do than making wrong calculations? Like watching movies or cropping black bars?
I'll fix it for you:
- Go through FF/archive to solve some shots OR go through a movies shots to get an idea as to which shots are there before I take my own while watching the movie.
- Easily spot the mistakes, because they ARE easy to spot.
- Take shots while watching the movie and taking my own shots. Finding the exact frame depends on the shot, but on average I'd say 15 seconds.
- Crop black bars on all shots (FF, character, title, replacement) in one go. Usually around 60 shots total, cropping takes a minute, so add a second per shot.
- Comparing again and uploading: 20 seconds.So that's 36 seconds, multiply by those 10512 leaves us with just over 105 hours. Still a decent amount of time, of course, but remember that part of it is done while watching the movie, and the other part is done while watching something else on my second screen (usually some series). You can consider that watching movies or series is also part of "no-life", but I'd think you could have a fun discussion on that on the forum.
Also, in this case, the black lines are WAY more than 1 pixel. It's just the original replacement of @henryx that still had a small black line. It is my job as a mod to take a look at replacements, to make sure they are good, and we got special comparison tools for that that also easily show small black lines. I do this once a day, just as I for example check new movie entries and push shots. Average time per shot? Around 2 seconds, I'd guess. Again, your original shot was just very badly cropped and had decent black lines on all sides.
10512 replacement shots. Amazing!
Find 1pixel black lines, find the dvd, find the exact frame (could be veryyy long...), grab/cut/post it. 10 minutes/shot if you are very quick. 105120 minutes=1752 hours=73 days (of 24 hours)=1/5 year of no-life... For 1 pixel...BTW another amazing thing is that 105120 minutes is *exactly* 1/5th year. No rounding in the above computation :)
Reverted: 1 pixel wide lines on the sides remaining.
replaced because of black lines
great shot !