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Eragon (2006)

Displaying all 2 Review

  • Written by AgnusWood on 15.08.2010

    The author, Christopher Paolini, was practically a teenager when he published the first volume, and his main influences are Star Wars, Dune and The Lord of the Rings, which is so evident in Eragon, and therefore not necessarily good.

    Despite its apparent author has talent early on Eragon reality, the way it was presented in this film version, can be many things, less resourceful. Your main hero, a peasant boy who suddenly has to deal with a dragon to save the oppressed in their world is a sympathetic figure, but that does not show anything unique or exceptional features of interest. The villain (John Malkovich) has an extremely limited number of scenes and it seems that neither exists. His army is simply a copy of Tolkien's orcs worsened. The mythology of the world is very shallow and in no time their people and their beliefs are presented with minimal depth. Even the elves and dwarves mentioned at one point or turn their faces.

    With such superficiality, it is difficult to find positives. The cast seems lost, because the film visibly jump entire sections of the journey of Eragon and the goals of the characters are not always clear. Blame the adaptation probably, but it is a serious mistake. I just could not get any sympathy by the dragon and Eragon, although the film has been struggling to make them a strong team, with the use of humor (in good taste, but unfortunately without much grace). The dragon, indeed, is quite arrogant with the character of Jeremy Irons (half moved on the scene, but without creating at least constraints), which is never well justified by history.

    There are several other problems with the script. The movie is too short for many events, yet the little that we are shown has great qualities. The final battle, for example, was not well prepared or presented. When we realize, she is about to happen and the viewer is not knowing exactly why in detail. Why, then, should we care? Who exactly is that people inside the cave but a bunch of refugees? His story is not presented in a decent, only superficially mentioned, almost robotic, like a boring obligation that the script has to fulfill, without any real emotion. These examples extend to other characters, Arya, Eragon's cousin, etc.. That never become interesting.

    Like any movie that has strong support as a point of special effects, the technical aspect should be reviewed. The main special effect - the dragon - is fairly well produced, although at no point is entirely convincing. The great final battle, on the other hand, even a huge mess in visual terms, it has some beautiful moments, specifically when it involves a battle between dragons on high. The flying scenes are always beautiful, especially the locations chosen are full of green and mountains. There is the impression that the world is enormous, but at least it is varied enough to not be as dull and uninteresting as the journey of Eragon. Overall, then, can say that beyond the technical aspects, and much, artistic aspects, which is definitely not a good trait.

    The movie was not exactly a box office success, then still the question is whether the second volume (the movie ends suddenly) will be brought to cinemas or not. I honestly do not lack, unless it is much better handled. The cast here is young and could not show real talent, for all events began on a hit. Regardless of whether a copy or homage to Tolkien, mythology presented here is unsatisfactory and will not bring any benefits to those who watch the movie. Not even quality entertainment, as the movie version of Eragon is simply dull, bureaucratic direction and absolutely banal dialogue. Unfortunately, although this is not news, it is quite unnecessary!

  • Written by VierasTalo on 17.05.2010

    Words fail me. This is the utmost cliched movie on the face of the earth. And I can't understand why. The cast here, besides the awful main character are all wonderful in most movies, and do do a good job here too. Robert Carlyle worked great as a villain, even though he was barely recognisable under the heavy make-up. John Malkovich does great, even though we propably see him for a massive ten minutes or so throughout the entire movie. The guy who plays the main character is terrible though, with his awful brittish accent and Orlando Bloom-ish manners. He does shout better than Orlando though, which is basically what he does throughout the entire movie.

    I'm getting tired of talking about mediocre things, so let's talk about the script here, which is awful. First of all, Christopher Paolini's original is a terribly cliched book, but the script here, for some odd reason, was propably made by someone who had never even seen a screenplay before. Buchman skipped ALL the goddamn character development and overall meaningfull scenes, and added tons of utterly useless scenes such as that one where Carlyle is mad at his minions. What was the point of that scene? To show that he is a dominant force in the lines of evil? We knew that already for crying out loud. Then around the beginning of the movie, there's a fortune telling scene, because, well you know, you can't have a fantasy movie without a fortune telling scene now can you? Oh wait, I think I need to cough... *Cough*LOTR*Cough* Bless me. The dialogue is also a little too close to retarded, a departure from the relatively witty one in the book. I can't understand why they had to leave that dialogue out since it would've worked better than these classic lines like " That's the spirit - one part brave, three parts fool." Also, as a sidenote, in the movie that line sounds like the last word would be food.

    Technically, this is a pretty damn mediocre movie. You have your run of the mill special effects, which should've been better since this movie is occasionally about nothing but CGI. The score.. or actually, the entire sound mixing of this movie is just fucked up. The score itself is decent, nothing to be nominated for an Oscar or such, but still. But the way it's been mixed to the movie is awful. You can barely hear the music, since for some ridicilous reason even during action scenes which really do need good music to be great the sound is just too damn low. Whoever edited/mixed the audio here was an idiot, plain and simple. He didn't know what he was doing. Which gets us to the director. Even though he kinda did know what he was doing, the directing here is simply meaningless. It doesn't feel like it was directed by a person, all the camera work and such are far too machine-like to make us feel like we would be watching something other than a movie.

    I didn't like this movie all too much. It did however sorta keep me entertained and Robert Carlyle is always a blast. I still can't give it any higher than a 3/10 because some really important things were really fucked up here.