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Edvard Munch(1974)


Edvard Munch's childhood is overshadowed by death: he suffers the loss of his sister and mother, while enduring serious illness himself, almost dying. At university, Munch discovers his talent as a painter. As he immerses himself in the art world, he becomes part of a cultural revolution lead by the likes of nihilist Hans Jæger.

Alternative Titles

  • Edvard Munch
  • Edvard Munch

Movie status

This movie is locked. You can't upload shots from this movie because it was recognized as a short movie, a movie unreleased in Theatres, or a movie with Porn, racist material, or unsuitable content.

You can see the list of all locked movies on WTM here.

User Rating (2 votes)

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8.50 / 10

Stats for Edvard Munch

  • 0Number of snapshots
  • 0Total solves
  • lnatbnf Introduced by
  • 22.08.2009Introduced on
  • 0Number of reviews